Sofus Comer

Photojournalism, Music and the walk of Life

Checking out what one of these yourt tents are about.

Round with a total inner space of 28 m2. They come in up to 50m2 and with heavy nordic climate isolation options for fungi, moist and wind protection.

as you may see, they also deal in tipis of all sorts. But today i was only curios to see the Yourt.

Here you go. A round room. 1,60m from floor to where the roof starts. So there is room even in the “corners”

This is all thats needed to keep the tent warm even in winter and -15c. Most comfortable is when you remember to put on a keg that will burn thru the night.

Detail of the inside. It takes a small group of skilled persons 4-5 hours to raise a yourt. Not including the platform. This may vary depending what kind of platform is desired.

The outside chimney is approved by the authorities in Denmark. When the stove is at its hottest, you can still put your hand on the highly isolated chimney and not burn yourself.

A visitor of Eagleroad chilling on one of the many great little havens.

Below the yourts platform, lyes several layers of insulation and finally tar paper. This specific yourt, has also been raised and used for different testing enviroments. What holds better than other.

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