I travelled to Indonesia with the Danish Red Cross in 2006 to make a story on the aftermath of the 2004 Tsunami, and during our travels, an 6,4 richterscale earthquake hit the Bantul area near the students city of Yog Jakarta.
The harbouring area of Meulaboh, 18 months after the TsunamiOnce there was rice fields here in the jungle, now the sea has chosen to stay.Ibrahim, is feeling more secure, after “flood” proofing his home.This woman home is ready if water enters her home once again.These two school students remember too well, the seas devasting power and feel unease walking the lonely beach
Bantul, Near the large city of Yog Jakarta, where the 6,4 richterscale earthquake ravaged.
With a pride, I have seldom seen, this 82 year old lady starts to rebuild her home one tile at a time.Red Cross and Crescent Moon are nearby with provisions for the thousands of homelessThis woman was in very big pain, after the quake landed a house on top of her.Three generations without a home.